Ashley Moore's Biggest Morning Tea

Royal Tea Member

Hosting my 1st year

In honour of my Loved Ones, Lesa and David Moore

Our Story

Hi Everyone, 
Welcome to my Australia's Biggest Morning Tea Fundraising page!
If you don't know me, my name is Ashley and I am a 36 year  old mother of 3 teenagers and I work a full time job as a Business Manager at a Primary School.
This is the first time I am hosting a morning tea and I hope you an help support me to raise funds for the Cancer Council.
I am not hosting this morning tea for me. I am hosting on behalf of  my family members who are fighting cancer and have fought cancer.
In October 2023 my world was turned upside down when a medical episode found my Aunty Lesa in hospital fighting for her life. She fought hard and found her way back to us, only to be diagnosed with endometrial cancer not long after. 
She is currently undergoing chemotherapy after already completing a 5 week round of radiation.  She is an absolute trooper and is kicking butt with her treatments!
Not only is my Aunty Lesa fighting cancer, but so is her brother - my Dad.  I don't want to go to far in to the details for Dad because I don't currently have his permission to share, and that is important because it is his fight not mine. But he is working hard to be here for us for a long time yet!
Finally, I recently lost my Pop to cancer. The death of my Pop was the hardest event I have ever experienced in my life and it scares me to think of what the future holds.
I am very lucky to have an incredible village of amazing people to support myself and my family.
This is just a snapshot of our incredibly crazy life right now. 
So I thought, why not host a morning tea! Raise funds for this worthy cause and spend time with people I love!
Please if you can, I appreciate every donation and will be forever grateful to all of you.
Heaps of love,
Ash x

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Made a self-
Shared on
Royal Tea

Thank you to our Supporters


Blake Wurst


Ashleigh Mcbride


Donna Collier

You are amazing Ash!♥️


Jenni Goodhew


Tiffany Camilleri


Colleen Huffadine






Wendy Andersen

A worthy cause to give millions of people hope


Keneasha Bell


John Nicholas

Hope everything goes smoothly and we'll


Stephen Caruana

We love you so much. You’re amazing


Richard Andersen


Karen Davies

I hope this helps.


Jordan Wawrzyniak



Gabby Grant

I hope your Morning Yea goes well! Can't wait to hear all about it and see photos.


Grace Lustri


Megan Predl 💜 Xx


Megan Hadley

You are amazing Ash! Lots of love to you ❤️


Jess Ibrahim


Tracey H

Well done Ash, so many loved ones affected by this insidious disease. I hope your Aunt and your Dad fight the good fight and win! Sorry to hear about your pop.


Liz Depers



Ellie Wetton



Anna Gunning G


Mel Pickering

Happy to donate to such a great cause. I know how much this means to you xx


Chick Black

Love you Ashley ❤️


David Moore


Matthew Moore

Love you Ashley, we are lucky to have you


Kristy Price


Margaret Dickson

You are such a beautiful soul,xoxo


Ashley Moore

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