Marian Byfield's Morning Tea

Hosting my 19th year

In honour of my Husband, Don

'The Never Ending Journey'

I started holding the Biggest Morning Tea at The Swan Yacht Club19years ago after my husband Don was diagnosed in 2003 with an incurable Cancer called Merkel Cell Cancer.  Thank God Don surprised everyone, especially his medical team, and survived this with amazing tenacity and courage.. Since then he has had four different types of cancers. Lymphoma of the abdomen, SCC skin Cancers all over the exposed areas of his body, SCC Head and Neck Cancer resulting in the removal of his Ear, Eardrum, Parotid Nerve, Jugular vein, and much more. Through all of this he has remained strong, whilst undergoing extensive and disfiguring surgeries and treatments. He has retained his dignity even though he has lost most of what he felt was special about him. In the well times making the most of his loves.. boating, singing, dancing,  serving on committees and helping lots of other people with cancer. 
Then in 2018 I was diagnosed with advanced Endometrial Cancer, and for three years we shared the heartbreaking and debilitating days and months of chemo, radiation and surgerys. Mind you having lots of laughs in our unbelievable situation. Both of us bald and wearing bandanas we affectionately became known as the Bandana twins. Thankfully I am now in remission. BUT.... 
Don three years ago was diagnosed with throat Cancer, and after trying alternate and costly treatments, and laser surgery he has arrived at the difficult decision, a matter of life or death to have his voice box removed. His Biggest Battle and the most difficult. This strong larger than life "Bloke" The man who loved to sing, dance and talk to the world will for now be silent. 
Through it all we kept the Biggest Morning Tea going with the support of The Swan Yacht Club and a wonderful team of helpers.. This year Don will not be the "star" of the show, he will be fighting another battle, but we both want the show to go on. Through everything we have been through we know the Cancer Council has been in the background. The safety net on our difficult journey on every level.    Thankyou

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Royal Tea

Thank you to our Supporters


Thales Australia


Marian Byfield Biggest Morning Tea Raffles


Swan Yacht Club

From the Swan Yacht Club


Ali Markham


Fairway Panel (rob Richardson)


Kelly Marsh


Aiden Wylie


Ken Woollams

Can't make it today Don/Marian, hope you have a wonderful day..cheers KenW


Casey Reid

Love you both! Sorry we can’t make it this year, stuck at work! Thinking of you xx


Nadine Barry


Jim Parker

Donated in loving memory of Mireille.


Sue Brennan


Marg Smith


Kerry Forth

So in awe of your courage Don and your continued support of this worthy cause to fight cancer with all you’ve got … Marian what a great ambassador and wonderfully supportive wife you are to Don …All the best in your fund raising efforts and putting it out there what love and devotion and tenacity means ❤️😎👍🏼


Steve Reid

Please don’t acknowledge this xx


Kelly Byfield

Good work Nan. Love you xx


Paul Virgin


Christine Long


Sharon And Kevin




Best wishes to you both ❤️



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