The Cackle Coven’s Biggest Morning Tea

Royal Tea Member

Hosting my 1st year

In honour of my Myself

Morning Tea Time!

The last few weeks have been a bit of a blur to be honest. I've settled into the routine of a new appointment at the Cancer clinic every week. 
First there was the hip bone marrow biopsy. This was a lot of sitting around waiting for a 20min procedure, which while I was given some gas, was so much more painful than I anticipated! Hopefully I never have to go through that again! A word of warning to anyone wanting to donate bone marrow, get the real drugs, not the gas! 
Then the following week I had the haematologist again to talk through the results. Of course I had to go and get sinusitis, so the appointment had to be telehealth, not in person. Luckily for me, the bone marrow is clear, so the chemo schedule will be quite short (6 months). A relief, I can tell you!
Next up is a nuclear imaging of my heart and a full blood test. Notification has been sent through for chemo, so even if I don't have the start date, it's anticipated to be the end of May or beginning of June. This has relieved a lot of anxiety. 
Speaking of anxiety, I've been using the sleep book I was sent and practicing the exercises within. This has gone a long way to giving me some precious sleep hours back!

Now... onto the morning tea! Yesterday we hosted our bake-off event and managed to fit 23 people in our tiny house! It was a little hectic, but we pulled it off. We had 3 categories; Sweet, Savoury and Store-bought (re-plated or re-imagined). There was a total of 18 entries. Our judging criteria was Taste, Creativity and Presentation. This was put to a vote. To be honest, we didn't get to taste!!! Too many things to try and we all filled up too quickly. 
The winner of Presentation was for Sweet: Ginger crunch and Tiramisu crepe cake. Savoury: Mochi cake with fried pork belly. Store-bought: Betty Crocker's brownies.
The winner of Creativity was for Sweet: Vegemite caramel slice. Savoury: Mochi cake with fried pork belly. Store-bought: Bread top pork floss buns. 
It was a resounding success and I'm very much looking forward to this next year!!! We raised a total of $169.70 in cash on the day too! 

Stepping into the unknown

Something I've come to realise in the last few weeks, is that this whole process is filled with uncertainty and the feeling of losing control permeates every moment (awake and asleep!).
Stepping out of the doctors office when I was first told about the positive result, I imagined I'd be starting treatment very soon. Naturally this was a little daunting and somewhat terrifying. 
Of course, I have to acknowledge that I'm not the only person to be diagnosed with cancer, so there would be some kind of waiting period. 
What I wasn't prepared for is exactly how long that was! It seems like every week only brings one appointment, or one more test, and the actual treatment plan and start dates remain elusive. 
I'm trying desperately not to get too frustrated at this, however I have a very full social schedule and this makes it difficult to plan my life! Whinge, whinge, f***ing whinge. 
I guess I just wasn't prepared for the levels of testing that would be required, not just to pinpoint exactly where and how far this thing has spread, but also to ensure I'm even healthy enough to start treatment! I am being poisoned after all....
Anyhow, I guess I'm making an advanced apology on having to continually change the date of my morning tea bake-off event!
Here's a photo of how my friends helped to support me on the evening I found out how my body has betrayed me. 


I was just diagnosed with a type of cancer, and I am so grateful that treatment is free for me. 
To get to this point though, there have been a few unexpected out of pocket expenses, that I’m so glad I was able to cover myself with no impact to my quality of life. 
I’m hosting this morning tea, to make sure that other people who are going through the initial phases, experiencing this fear and anxiety, are able to access support and treatment. 
Please donate to this cause, as you have no idea who this will effect in your life, the stress and anxiety this causes, and whether or not they can access services that will save their lives. 
Here’s a picture of my support animal to cheer the situation. 

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Thank you to our Supporters


Package Landscapes Australia




Lou Coster

Lucky you rock a shaved head better than anyone I’ve seen!!! I am standing with you in this fight and looking forward to celebrating with oysters and champagne when you are done!




Shu Zhang




Fergus Davidson




James A






Hugo Davidson




Matt Riches


Bart Napierala


Michael Borlase




Natasha Geelen


Shelby Glynn


Narelle & Ruslan


Eva, Mark, Nena And Leni Saar

Fuck Cancer!! Much love from Eva, Mark, Nena and Leni xxx


Jasmin Peters


Caity And Josh


Kat + Aaron

We bloody love ya, you’re gonna kick this stupid cancer’s ass xoxoxo


Jess And Dave

We love you, you’ll kick its ass!


Melissa Green


Sharky Kaye


Bertrand Bourgeois


Renee Geelen


Branka Indic

For Tash and Package Landscapes Australia. Nothing feels better than giving back to the good cause! You got this Tash! Well done Package Landscapes for such a generous support. Legends!! Branka- 777Marathon


Paul Giddings


Michelle Hughes




Sam And Kaidee


Matthew Hobson


Linlu Pan

You're strong, and I believe in your ability to overcome this challenge. Sending you all the love and positivity! PS: Why do I feel like your cat's face looks just like yours?


Katie Marshall


Thomas Keal


Nathan & Iman

You got this. Love u neighbour 🥰


Aliz Kasim

Setup a Lego play area for us please hahahahaha


Chris Wright


Jessica Wilson



You’re surrounded by support every step of the way. It’s awesome you’re also trying to make a difference in others lives too. Love you x


Jacqui Peterson

Love ya face x


Christa Hanafi


Tash Geelen

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