Jaime Cotten's Biggest Morning Tea

Royal Tea Member

Hosting my 1st year

In honour of my Husband, Dan

Cake for Dan

As you know Dan lost his 2 year battle with bowel cancer on the 15/03/24. Whilst he struggled daily with both the physical and mental challenges that this disease brings, he always sought for the positive in every situation. Him and I were always overwhelmed by the support of our community and of all medical professionals that we came across along the way. This morning tea is a chance to come together in memory of Dan and to continue to support each other and those who are now and will in the future also be faced with the many challenges that cancer brings. Also, Dan loved cake- so we best eat it in honour of him! 🙌

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Thank you to our Supporters


Jodie Jordan

Dan would be so proud of you Jaime , Charlie and Henry. You are all an inspiration to us all. Dan maybe gone but he will never be forgotten.



Thank you to all who bought a Cottos Crew hat


Jaime Cotten

Thank you Robyn Soper


Daryl Cormick

With love, from Toni & Daryl


Nicole Williams

What an amazing day you hosted Jaime,it looks like you have exceed your expectations for your morning tea fundraiser congratulations!!!


The Chapples

With all our love.


Jaime Cotten


Tina Newstead


Cristal Davies

A great effort in honour of Dan


Karlie Rimoni


Shirley Seymour

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this amazing day/cause in honour of Dan.


Amanda Mcfarlane

A beautiful day in honour of Dan!


Vanessa Seymour


Amy Lynch

Fab fundraiser for an awesome cause. Love ya Danny xxx


Phoebe Spencer


Jodi Elliott-hile

Fabulous day & a wonderful way to catch up with friends whilst supporting you & a great cause.


Alison Lancaster


Meg Cotten

Missing you so much! But ate lots of cake for you 🥰


Sam Lynch


Ruth Lynch


Alison Prestwidge

For Ali's goodies x


Damien Schweinberger


John Lannen


Clare Bates


Kerrie Korsman


Kate Greenwood


Katie Boyle




Ryan Hassett



Love Jaimie, Jez, Charlotte & Emerson


Judy And Wayne Perkins


Katrina Lovegrove

The Lovegrove’s xx


The Tomos

Well done guys. Love ya’s xx


Melly Fogarty

All our love Brett and Melly xo


Bianca Brooker

Miss ya Dan! Love The Brooker’s xx


Paul Cousins

Well done Jaime 👏


Ricky Moonga


Troy And Kim X


Sonia Smith



Ashton Greedy


Rach, Craig, Daniel & Lachie Shafer



Kylie , Jeffrey,joshua Ayden And Zachary Xx

Very Worthy Cause, sending all our love 💙


Damo Cotten

A great cause, by a great sister in law, in loving memory of a great brother


Kate Greedy


Kerrie Korsman


Kris Porter


Bob And Shirl Seymour

Love you, miss you, gone way too soon! ❤️😢


Gavin, Natalie, Bailey & Darcy Butchard


Cooper Saxby

Best soccer coach



Love you guys 💛


Luke & Ali Kaal


Bev & Tony March


The Moz's



Ray & Julie Thorley


The Prydies… Xoxo


Grace Thorley & Kyle Slater


Jodie Summerville


Deb, Nath, Boey And Mav


Brooke And Shaun Guest

Think of you often Dan! A great man taken way too soon. Lots of love Cotto’s xoxo


Steve Belinda Halle And Bonnie


Alicia Faul


Mellissa Warner

Miss you Dan ❤️


Jus Rob Williamson



Belinda Steinerts


Amy Williams


Ali & Steve Lancaster

Forever in our hearts xx ❤️


Vanessa Taska


Mark Robson


Mick & Ruth


Lisa Thomas

Forever in our hearts… 💙


Lauren Davies


Jess K



Amy Bowd


April Dixon

Thinking of you all, sending love❤️


Shan & Aaron Murdoch



We are all here together and I know what uncle Dan would be thinking when he see’s the cakes on the table. As from past memories of myself bring cakes over to him he was always the first to try them. Love you uncle Dan and thinking of you.


Sal And Matt

Miss you, Cotto. XX


Tina Newstead


Katie Boyle



Big love my friend ❤️ wouldn’t miss Dan’s morning tea 🧁


Carol Budden


Kristy Schweinbergerr



Angela White


Anthony Fleming


Kath & Mud

Missed every day by many. Love ya Dan ❤️


Ben And Summa

Ben and Summa


Ava Lynch

Love you guys and Uncle Dan always ❤️


Janita And Phil Baker



Gabi Lancaster


Al & Ev Prestwidge



Em Elliott

Cheers to Dan!! One of the best!! 🍻


Jaime Cotten

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