Maria Anthony's Biggest Morning Tea

Royal Tea Member

Hosting my 1st year

In honour of my Friends and Family

My journey so far.......

HI all, In February, 2024 I was diagnosed with a rare concer of Thymus gland, this cancer only affects 1 in person in 1,5 million.  I had major Thoratic surgery in May, and now i am half through my radiation treatment. This is the second time im having one of these events. My good friend Anna is currently having chemotherapy for Ovarian cancer, my mum is currently also on chemo medication  for a rare blood cancer. My sister Dimitra is a breast cencer survivor. Two years a go my mother inlaw was diagnosed with throat cancer,she  never drank or smoked in her life, she too now is in remission. She is also a breast cancer survivor along with her sister and my godmother. Other relatives and friends have also been affected by this decease. This cause means a lot to me. Keep fighting the fight my family and friends. xxx

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Royal Tea

Thank you to our Supporters


Maria Anthony


Maria Paleologos

The money you have raised is such an amazing effort. Well done. For my mum as well, it just came out of nowhere, we were shocked as she was the strongest person we knew. Good health and speedy recovery to all.


Litsa Angeli




Neopro Cycling


Farmhouse Cafe Ayr



In honour of a very special lady. Sending much love xo


The Coffee Club Capalaba


Helen Zeremes

A beautiful day spent raising funds for such a worthy cause, well done Maria.


Poppy Augostis & Cindy Mihailou

Sending you our love and best wishes for your recovery Maria x


Michelle Papas

All the best Maria


Maria Anthony


Soula Passaris

Well done for raising for cancer , all the best Maria


Vaitsa Penklis


Emma Trembath

Such a great cause Maria well done Your an amazing lady x


Steve & Andrea Stamatiou


Jess And Jules

Sending all our love Thea Maria ❤️


Maria Gianoulis


Mary Mousikos

Such a worthy cause Maria. Well done!


Maria Anthony


Sophie Kouzoukas


Michael Skarparis

An amazing cause thea Maria!


Maria Anthony


Maria Anthony


Helen Spero

You got this Sis xo


Mary Toumpas

So proud of you Maria , you are such an amazing , loving lady ♥️♥️♥️


Pippi Mitani

Good luck Maria your an amazing and absolute inspiration to all cancer survivors ❤️🙏


Bill& Anthea Pippos

Hope you had a great turnout


Matthew G

Love you Thea Maria x


Leila Wilson


Grace Pomakis

Best wishes for your event, Sending love and positive


Elizabeth Zikos

You are amazing my dear sister! Wishing you strength and love on your recovery journey xx


Donna Cassimatis

Sending best wishes for your event Maria. Hugs of strength to you all for your own personal adversities.


Yot And Mel

Sending lots of love. Such a great cause to raise money and awareness for.


Anna Karanasios

Very worthy cause Maria, wishing you all the very best xo


Demi Sclavos

Great work Maria 🩷 wishing you a full recovery Demi x


Christina Warren



Wishing you all of God’s blessings for strength and love. ❤️ 🙏


Patricia Stassi

All the best with the fundraising and enjoy the morning tea .


Mina Medical Clinic

Great Cause to support. Thank you Maria for making us a part of your journey. You are inspirational.


Katerina George


Drilling Around Pty Ltd

Thinking of you. Sending lots of prayers as you go through your journey. Angie friend MaryAnne


Katy Hatzithomas

Bravo Maria! Sending you our love and best wishes always! Katy and Lefteri xo


Liz Stefanou


Emmanuel Drivas


Erene Amarandos


Lexie Amarandos




Nathaniel Anthony

Love you mum


Marissa Drosia Papageorge

Sending lots of love! ❤️


Renee Bournas


Angie Gear And Con Alexopoul

A cause very dear to my heart. Praying for all my beautiful friends fighting this battle. Love you all xxxz


Chrissy Demetriou


Kathryn Mihalis

Bravo Maria you and all your family are in our prayers. Sounds like a beautiful event 💛💙


Mersina Stefanos

God Bless and Swift recovery 🙏


Aspasia Keramidas

A cause close to my heart - it’s a journey that no one expects to go on but you are a fighter Maria and thinking of you


Cynthia Coombs

Hope you have a wonderful high tea afternoon surrounded by your support network.


Barbara Mylonas

Sending love, best wishes and healing to you all in your time of need. Keep those positive, fighting spirits soaring !


Erene Karpathios

Wishing you all the best Maria , for a successful Biggest Morning Tea , a cause close to my heart , you got this Cuz xx


Sharon Ioannou

Sending our love and best wishes to you Maria. A wonderful cause, wishing you a very successful event! Sharon & George 💕


Lesa Ioannou

Best wishes Maria & Anna Love Lesa & John


Maria Gatis



Daniela Ufer

Wishing lots of strength and a speedy revovery. xx


Kay Gatis

Sending much love 💕 Good luck and thank you for raising awareness 💕


Yianna Hautaniemi


Popi Collocott

God Bless you all 🙏🙏


Samantha Bogiatzis

Wishing you all the very best Maria.


Steven Tzaneros

Cancer is very close to my heart and feel the pain for anyone who goes thru this or is touched by it Wishing you well for this event


Danita Mcmurray

I’d love to be there but will be OS for work Wishing you well for this very worthy cause


Krista Millios


Olga Bourboulas

Wishing you a successful morning tea and raise a lot for this most worthy cause.


Anna Gianoulis

We love you Maria, best wishes and much love for a full recovery. Keep up this amazing work. Sis and George xx


Irene Tait

Wishing you all the best Maria.


Margaret Malandris

Best wishes to you and a successful Morning Tea for a good cause. xxx


Julie Nicopoulos

All the best for a successful morning tea.


Manajoan Pty Ltd


Wayne Pope

Angie’s friend Wayne


Yioda Conzonis

From yioda


Maria Symeou

To awareness and quality of life

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