Shokoo Shojaei's Biggest Morning Tea

Royal Tea Member

Hosting my 1st year

In honour of my Mother, Vajiheh Mehdi

The day our lives changed forever

The year 2021 started with a bang for our family. It was 22nd January 2021, when our lives were turned upside down “mum has pancreatic cancer” I messaged my husband the second I found out from my sister. A news I wish wasn’t true, a news I had wished was a bad nightmare. My mum was the healthiest person in our family; the most moderate when it came to eating habits, how could she have all people get pancreatic cancer? She wasn’t a drinker, she didn’t smoke, she didn’t have family history, yet here we were with this terrible prognosis.

All this is to say it can happen to anyone. And when it did happen to a member of our family, we entered this whole new reality, where cancer seems to be so common.

My mum has bravely fought to be with us for over 3 years now. To be honest we weren’t sure we would even make it through 2021. I wasn’t even sure she would be here for the birth of my son Saba in July 2021. But here she is, fighting this cancer every single day.

Shes a lioness if you ask me. A ‘Shir Zan’ as Persians famously say. My mum has had weekly chemotherapy for 3 years - that’s over 80 cycles of treatment. She has lost her hair, eye brows, nails twice and has been bed ridden in discomfort and pain a lot of days. But she will come to a social event on her treatment days like every other person, and looks after my kids like she’s 40 and thriving. She gives it her all everyday and won’t give in to cancer. She wants to live and this morning tea, we celebrate this remarkable woman and all the other brave humans on this journey.

Support my Biggest Morning Tea

Join me at my Biggest Morning Tea or donate online to help me reach my fundraising goal! Together, we can help Cancer Council raise much needed funds that go towards vital cancer research, support services, prevention programs, and advocacy.

So far this year I've helped provide:



kids with
a SunSmart




calls to trained
cancer professionals
on 13 11 20




days of a PHD
student’s world-class

My achievements

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Thank you to our Supporters


Shokoufeh Shojaej


Helena And Jonathon

Lots of love!!!


Golsa Vojdani

Great cause


Sadaf & Aria

Great initiative ❤️


Azar Shojaei

Love you Zan Dadash


Mehrsa Vojdani


Will & Ness

Amazing work for an amazing cause ❤️


Raphael Lesicnik

Amazing work x


Sharon & Ashgan Atefi

In honour of my dear Ameh joon, our Shir Zan, who is still so bravely fighting this horrific disease ❤️


Natasha Shojai

Love you


Neda Nicolas

So proud of you girls x love you zan dai joon


Deeba Hosseini

Thank you for a beautiful morning for a great cause 😊


Zhinus Radmehr

A wonderful cause! Thank you for the very special morning tea xx


Nasim Payandeh


Mojdeh Tavanayan


Samira Saeedi

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to the fundraiser, today but I do hope this small contribution can make a difference. Love Samira


Anissa Amiri

A great cause indeed. Looking forward to your lovely morning tea 🩷☺️


Justina Le Lievre

I am sorry I won’t be able to make it to the fundraiser, I hope this small contribution of mine will make a difference. Much love Justina, Nikan and Elias xxx


Pooja Priyanka

Amazing cause!

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